Here's a picture of Aunt Caycay and E on Thanksgiving.

And the Kinder Family Christmas Tree
Over the last month we have gotten rid of the sassy (pacifier) and that has resulted in longer naps and night time sleep for both E and mommy and daddy. It was getting to the point where he was waking up because his sass fell out and not a good habit in the least. I was having to go in a give it back to him several times in the middle of the night. Soooooooo looooong sassy pass!! He has done wonderfully without it... He slept 10 hours last night! Wahoo! The next thing to go is the swaddle. Now we've gotten one arm out and are gonna work on both arms free soon!
Things I'm thankful for:
Cloth diapers - the best way to save money! And the cutest tooshie ever!
Christmas time - love this time of year! Thankful for the JOY of knowing my Savior and the opportunity to celebrate his birth.... Next year will be even better with a little boy who we can start to introduce some great family traditions!!
Smiles - no explanation needed!
A flexible work schedule - I can work from home and when I do need to go in the the office, I can bring my lil guy with me! Or just recently he's gotten to spend some time with Nana and Auntie CayCay for a few hours while Mommy's at the office.
FaceTime - I think we've FaceTimed (video chat on the iPhone) with my mom and dad,(Mimi and PopPop), Caitlyn, and of course daddy several times this week and each time it's so good for their heart and mine!
Baby lotion - makes my lil guy smell absolutely scrumptious!!
We just had a little family photo shoot last weekend. Petie was the photographer and my sis, Caitlyn took the ones with the whole fam!
Here are our favorites:
I can't believe Santa will be here in less than a week!
Emmitt (or E, kiddobug, buggie, boogie, buggerboo, sugerbug, diddyboy, doodlebug, ninny, fatso, Emmittdoo, tuggertug, baby boy, chunk-a-munk, little big man as we affectionately call him at different points in the day)....
Mommy and daddy love you so much! We love the lil personality you are starting to have. The way you light up when you see either one of us makes our day everytime! We love your sweet coos and squeals, the way you surprise yourself with a new sound and or movement, and of course your many many fat rolls! You are the greatest gift this Christmas and every Christmas!
We love you,
Mommy and Daddy
Coming soon: Our family trip to Louisville, E's new tricks - standing up and being so proud and sucking his fingers, and other fun Kinder Family stuff!
He's such a cutie! Great job on the pictures! Love the updates. Miss you all!